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The Daily Agreed Procedures (DAP in short), define the support engagement and procedures that you can expect from iotspot. It is quite an extensive document, so we recommend you to download it.
Below you find the table of content as a precursor of the full document.
Table of Content
2 Introduction ---------------------------------------------------------------- 3
2.1 Purpose 3
2.2 Validity and Status 3
2.3 Updates and Document Ownership 3
2.4 Operational meeting to assess Service Level and improve procedures 3
2.5 Contact Persons 3
2.6 Definition Reference Table 3
3 iotspot Service Level ------------------------------------------------------- 5
3.1 iotspot service 5
3.2 iotspot technology 5
3.3 iotspot Service Level 6
3.4 Recording and reporting on Service Level; 6
4 iotspot Service Desk, Service Window and Contact Details --------------- 6
5 Incident Management ------------------------------------------------------ 7
5.1 Description 7
5.2 Incident Response Time 7
5.3 Interface 7
5.5 Incident Resolution Time 8
5.6 Progress of Incident 8
5.7 Closure of an Incident 9
6 Escalation Management --------------------------------------------------- 9
6.1 Description 9
6.2 Interface and Escalation Times 9
6.3 Procedure 9
7 Problem Management ----------------------------------------------------- 10
7.1 Description 10
7.2 Interface 10
7.3 Procedure 10
7.5 Completion of a RFC 10
8 Request for information Management (RFI) -------------------------------- 11
8.3 Procedure 11
8.4 Request for Information Lead Times 11
8.5 Planning 11
9 The special case of a Hardware related Incident and/or Problem; RMA ---- 12
9.1 Description 12
9.2 No changes to the general set-up of the management processes 12
9.3 The Return Material Authorisation (RMA) process 12
9.3.1 Hardware Inventory In Consignment 12
9.3.2 Replacement of Hardware 12
9.3.3 Return authorisation 12
9.3.4 Replenishment 12
9.4 Interface 12
10 Planned Maintenance --------------------------------------------------- 13
10.1 Description 13
10.2 Interface 13
10.3 Procedure 13
Annex A - DAP information chart -------------------------------------------14
A1. Customer information and contact details in relation to this DAP 14
A2. iotspot information and contact details in relation to this DAP 14