The 'My Team' functionality allows you to create and manage teams so you can quickly preview when and where your colleagues are working.
Creating a team
If you do not have a team created for your organisation, you can create one by starting to add team members.
Creating a new team or managing an existing team (including reordering your teams) can all be done via 'Manage teams', found by clicking the 'Teams' button.
When creating a team you can choose whether that team is public or private.
Team screen
You can bring up the Team screen by clicking on the 'Teams' button in the views filter.
In the Team screen, you will see all colleagues that you have added as team members, as well as where they are working and what their working hours are on the selected day.
Team members' schedule
You can check the schedule and preferred office days of your team members by clicking on the arrow at the top of the Team screen.